function render(props) { const container = useRef(null); const dataUrl = useBaseUrl('/json/bin.json'); const initChat = (map, option) => { const chart = new EChartsLayer(option, { stopEvent: false, hideOnMoving: false, hideOnZooming: false, forcedPrecomposeRerender: true, }); chart.appendTo(map); }; var COLORS = ['#070093', '#1c3fbf', '#1482e5', '#70b4eb', '#b4e0f3', '#ffffff']; var lngExtent = [39.5, 40.6]; var latExtent = [115.9, 116.8]; var cellCount = [50, 50]; var cellSizeCoord = [(lngExtent[1] - lngExtent[0]) / cellCount[0], (latExtent[1] - latExtent[0]) / cellCount[1]]; var gapSize = 0; const renderItem = (params, api) => { var context = params.context; var lngIndex = api.value(0); var latIndex = api.value(1); var coordLeftTop = [ +(latExtent[0] + lngIndex * cellSizeCoord[0]).toFixed(6), +(lngExtent[0] + latIndex * cellSizeCoord[1]).toFixed(6), ]; var pointLeftTop = getCoord(params, api, lngIndex, latIndex); var pointRightBottom = getCoord(params, api, lngIndex + 1, latIndex + 1); return { type: 'rect', shape: { x: pointLeftTop[0], y: pointLeftTop[1], width: pointRightBottom[0] - pointLeftTop[0], height: pointRightBottom[1] - pointLeftTop[1], }, style: api.style({ stroke: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', }), styleEmphasis: api.styleEmphasis(), }; }; const getCoord = (params, api, lngIndex, latIndex) => { var coords = params.context.coords || (params.context.coords = []); var key = lngIndex + '-' + latIndex; // bmap returns point in integer, which makes cell width unstable. // So we have to use right bottom point. return ( coords[key] || (coords[key] = api.coord([ +(latExtent[0] + lngIndex * cellSizeCoord[0]).toFixed(6), +(lngExtent[0] + latIndex * cellSizeCoord[1]).toFixed(6), ])) ); }; const init = async () => { const map = new ol.Map({ target: container.current, view: new ol.View({ projection: 'EPSG:4326', rotation: 0, center: [116.28245, 39.92121], zoom: 9, // resolution }), layers: [ new TileLayer({ source: new XYZ({ url: 'https://{a-c}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', }), }), ], }); const data = await fetch(dataUrl).then((res) => res.json()); const option = { tooltip: { formatter: function (params, ticket, callback) { return params.value; }, trigger: 'item', }, visualMap: { type: 'piecewise', inverse: true, top: 10, right: 10, pieces: [ { value: 0, color: COLORS[0], }, { value: 1, color: COLORS[1], }, { value: 2, color: COLORS[2], }, { value: 3, color: COLORS[3], }, { value: 4, color: COLORS[4], }, { value: 5, color: COLORS[5], }, ], borderColor: '#ccc', borderWidth: 2, backgroundColor: '#eee', dimension: 2, inRange: { color: COLORS, opacity: 0.7, }, }, series: [ { type: 'custom', renderItem: renderItem, animation: false, itemStyle: { emphasis: { color: 'yellow', }, }, encode: { tooltip: 2, }, data: data, }, ], }; initChat(map, option); function resize(target) {} return { resize, }; }; useEffect(() => { const { resize } = init(); return () => {}; }, []); return ( <div className="live-wrap"> <div ref={container} className="map-content" /> </div> ); }